Thursday 28 January 2016

Lynx: A new era?

One of the reasons I became passionate about Media (and has made me currently study it at university) was Lynx. Anyone who studies gender will have heard of Lynx. Hell, I remember one of my most heated discussions with one of my friends was over them targeting heterosexuals for a project which factually has no sexuality, and whether gay people would be offended if they were targeted a product. Everyone knows their ethos. I can still remember my pure disgust and anger for the video of the Lynx Excite campaign. This anger still stays with me everytime I see their name. And this anger, like others, won't change for a unless they do something bold.

Even so, Lynx today released a new advert on their Youtube page. It's a complete turn-around, and has already had coverage from The Mirror and Magnate supporting how Lynx has 'grown up'.

I for one, am not going to be so easily pleased. This is a company which needs to recognise just how damaging they have been. After doing a quick analysis, these are some of the key pros and cons I have found: So

Video Statement and Analysis

Yes, we must celebrate this advert and the brand for a change in identity. Normalising outcast groups is bold and important, which encourages individuals in real-life to be proud of themselves and live more fulfilling lives.Even so, this advert is still subtly endorsing many things which are still damaging.

1) 'Cmon, a six pack?' - Very interesting that this is the EXACT message they have been endorsing for all of Lynx's identity before this point. If they truly recognised they were wrong in the past and they want to move on, then why not include one of their own adverts on those buildings? Playing it SAFE.

2. Out of all examples which include a man interacting with a women, there are 5. There is one gay couple. Where is the bi-sexuality, the transgender, the no gender? Clearly a token gay couple, used because homosexuality is the mainstream. Playing it SAFE.

3. Notice the final shots in front or bathroom mirrors. We see 4 men. YET, the ones that have a 6-pack and athletic bodies are the only ones we see topless. What a joke: 'really, a six pack?' becomes such a hypocritical statement as no other body is seen to be celebrated. Where are the chubs, the older men, the AVERAGE bodied men. So in fact, their old, damaging message is still intact. Playing it SAFE.

We must recognise that barely any other brands carry a inclusive message actively, and so Lynx must be recognised. I do particularly like the men who are confident, but aren't around other people: they don't need to be in a relationship to be happy. Even so, It's clear that Lynx then are NOT a ambassador for change, but more a brand that goes with the flow, instead of looking to the future. Really not impressed. I still won't be buying their products.

So, this is what I feel. They haven't won me over yet. They need to do so much more (though their partnership with the Bigger Issues campaign is a great start). They have seemed to actually take a back turn with their Twitter account, no longer having any unique voice (we had a great conversation about gender in my college years I just have to find one day), now being completely and utterly bland. It's not a easy road. What do you think?

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